Optimizing Teacher Professionalism

Beginning in 2013 is a new curriculum implementation plan which is promised by the government. Outreach activities take massive curriculum in different regions to study the response of educators and the same perception about the new curriculum. This indicates preparatory of the curriculum changes less than the maximum.

Previously the curriculum change was controversy because it was considered a waste of budget. However, lately it can be accepted by public although it is still confusing for some teachers. The issue of the elimination of some subjects, the implementation of character education, and the removal of national examinations is still a public expectations. That way, student’s burden can be reduced, and then they can focus on subjects every level of education in order to achieve national education goals.

The curriculum is an important part of the educational system, as a reference to achieve educational goals. Making the curriculum is the duty and responsibility of the government as stated in Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System. Curriculum change can be done if the old curriculum didn’t agree with development.

Education curriculum in this country for the past 6 decades has changed 9 times. Such changes must follow the demands of the developent that education in Indonesia is not getting left behind, because the quality of education in addition to determined by the teacher, is also determined by the applicable curriculum.

The curriculum is ever implemented in this country include Lesson Plan (1947), Lesson Plans Unraveling (1952), Plan for Education (1964), The concept of Pancasila Life Coaching, Knowledge Base, and Special Skills (1968), goal orientation (1975), Systems Thinking Way Active Students (CBSA) (1984), Curriculum 1994 are Populist (1994), Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) (2004), Education-Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) (2006), and 2013 with the theme Thematic Curriculum Integrative will soon be implemented.

Teachers as educators is spearheading the implementation of the curriculum. The new curriculum can be run effectively and efficiently depends on the competence of teachers. In addition to pedagogical skills, teachers are also expected to hone students' potential. Therefore, the potential cognitive, effective and psychomotor are maximally achievable and balanced.

2013 Curriculum will emphasize four elements namely competency standards, content, process, and assessment. The professionalism of teachers can be realized by developing a comprehensive subject, especially concerning the conditions of reality in the lives of students. Moreover, the strategy can be created in an innovative learning in order to arouse the interest of the students to be more serious in learning.

Information and communication technology is developing so rapidly. It affects the education system, especially teachers and students. Teachers and textbooks used to be a sole source of learning, is no longer. Therefore, information media such as the internet has provided a variety of learning resources facilities, such as articles, journals, papers, and electronic books that can be obtained for free.

Therefore, teachers should be able to adapt to these developments. At a minimum, teachers can set up and operate audio-visual teaching media as a learning tool. Thus, the media can facilitate student understanding and ultimately to improve student achievement in accordance with the national education goals.

Foreign languages ​​such as English is becoming a necessity in the world of education. English skill both passive and active are additional value to teachers. The lack of ability, makes teachers less productive result in innovative work and not able to compete in international. Because, in the era of globalization, as now, to realize the go-international schools such as the skills needed to collaborate with foreign schools, student exchange, and visitation to the foreign firms.

Although schools labeled RSBI and SBI has been deleted in this country, it does not mean a teacher should leave the English. English is very important for teachers. Because teachers have English skills, he will have more insight than the teachers who can not speak English. Therefore, any label school, a teacher must master the English.

Professional teachers must be willing and able to improve the quality of national education as their responsibilities. Of course, it is not easily realized if not based on a strong determination to educate the nation's children are ready to compete with foreign nations.

The government should support expectations of teachers in this country by providing educational scholarships advanced facilities and courses in both these skills. The attention should be directed to the teachers who are in rural areas, especially outside Java, because far more concentrated distribution of professional teachers in urban areas.

In addition, supporting teaching and learning activities such as laboratories, libraries, and sports fields should be equipped at each school. It is important to remember the teacher realized often constrained in the absence of implementing learning, so that optimal student achievement.